A Study of Student Teachers' Creativity and its Relationship with their Gender and Age
Author:Dr. Sandhya Milind Khedekar
The purpose of the study was: (1) To assess creativity of student-teachers whose age range was 25-54 years old and (2) To find out whether age and gender influence creativity. Seventy-two participants (43 females and 29 males) responded to the ICAS (Ibadan Creativity Assessment Scale) by Akinboye, 1977. Data were analyzed using percentages, chi-square and ANNOVA (analysis of variance). Results showed: ideative flexibility, ideative originality, ideative fluency, and creativity motivation scores to be 56.5%, 59.47%, 57.4%, and 68.81% respectively. Creativity overall score was 57.79%. The respondents had great motivation for creativity. Independent tests showed that there were no significant differences in creativity as a result of age and gender at p < 0.05. The development of creativity is not depended on age and gender. It is influenced by other factors, such as divergent thinking, intelligence, and training.