• Article should be around 3000 to 4000 words including tables, diagrams and references. The first page of the submission should be included title of article, the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s) and acknowledgements
  • Each article must be preceded by an abstract of about 200 words and not more than 500 key words.
  • Fonts to be used.
    • English - Times New Roman, Size 10
    • Marathi- Shree 713 or Shivaji, Size 12
  • Do not submit paper to Shanshodhan Chetana if it is already sent to other publication and awaiting for approval.

    If your paper selected and published in both publications, Shanshodhan Chetana will not be liable for any copyright issues.

  • Article must be typed in Microsoft word file.
  • Guideline for research paper
    Sanshodhan Chetana invites articles on original research, theories, issues and problems associated with the field of education. The Contributors of research articles are expected to consider following points
    1. Introduction (brief)
    2. Review of related literature (it should focus on major studies, its similarities and differences with present study)
    3. Objectives of study
    4. Hypothesis of the study
    5. Methodology of study
    6. Sample (its nature and sampling technique)
    7. Tools
    8. Technique of data analysis
    9. Major findings of study
    10. Conclusion
    11. Discussion
    12. References
RNI MAHBIL/ 2012/54586
ISSN 2319-5525

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